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Magnum Maid Agency is a trusted maid agency in Singapore that has more than 10 years’ experience in the business of contracting, enlisting, recruiting workforce from overseas. We search for professionals and non-professionals (both skilled and unskilled) for local/ overseas work. We are acting as agents of individual or firms in the supply of manpower, with license from the corresponding government department to supply foreign workers to individuals and companies.We search high and low for workforce from Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia and Myanmar. Of course, we look for workers who are willing to work overseas, and they have to meet certain requirements before our maid agency can accept them in our company in Singapore. We offer basic training and lessons for these workers, so that they will be able to adapt to the local environment sooner. The services that we provided include housekeeping, taking care of old folks, looking after kids, grocery shopping, preparing meals & more.
As a licensed trusted maid agency in Singapore, our role as an agent includes preparing travel documents and helping future employees with their entry to the country. After they have settled down and gone through proper training, we will then start to help them find employers who need their skills respectively. For instance, some households require a domestic worker that knows how to cook and is good with kids, so we’ll make arrangements in order to match
them to their employers. We have successfully found the right domestic workers for countless employers who are very happy with our services.
Magnum Maid Agency guarantees high-quality service when it comes to the employment of overseas workers, therefore you can rest assured that you will obtain satisfactory service from us.
Bukit Timah Branch
170 Upper Bukit Timah Road, #03-14 Bukit Timah Shopping Centre, Singapore 588179.
Maid Consultant:
Ms.Evelyn: +65 9241 7586
Mr.Lionel: +65 8339 0647

Katong Branch
865 Mountbatten Road #01-21 Katong Shopping Centre Singapore 437844
Maid Consultant:
Ms.Linda: +65 8128 1151
Mr.Vincent: +65 9002 2450